The "Courage To Success" Podcast

01. De-Hypnotize Yourself from society norms

Igor Vilusic Season 1 Episode 1

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Have you ever felt held back from pursuing your biggest dreams and being your true self? What if the main obstacle was your own limiting beliefs? Igor powerfully opens up this new podcast by guiding us to explore where we may be unconsciously blocking our potential bravely.

In this vulnerable first episode, Igor encourages us to gather wisdom by tuning into our minds, bodies, and relationships. He poses thoughtful questions to uncover where we are draining our energy across work, personal connections, and inner self-talk. We examine the heavy masks worn to please others and receive external validation. Why do we hide parts of ourselves or diminish our talents? The first step is noticing these patterns without judgment.

As Igor reminds us, "It's safe for you to come out. It's safe for you to show who you are." We all have unique gifts waiting to be expressed. By releasing past conditioning, we can reconnect with our inner light. If your current life is not fully aligned with your dreams, this podcast provides a nurturing space for self-discovery.

Listen in to gain:

- Techniques to pinpoint drains on your energy across life domains

 - Clarity on changes needed to make your dreams a reality

 - An empowering reminder of innate wisdom

- Tips for building self-trust and courage

- Insight on updating limiting subconscious beliefs
Igor's gentle wisdom will resonate deeply if you seek to overcome self-imposed barriers. Join us on this heart-centered journey toward self-belief and purposeful living. The first step is to tune into this first episode!

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Welcome to the courage to success podcast. It's the first episode I can't wait to start. This podcast has been a long time coming. I'm so pumped and happy and privileged to be able to facilitate it for you on the podcast. Before I dive into the first topic, I just want to introduce myself shortly.

You will get to know me along the way and we will get to know each other along the way. I have great surprises for this journey and who knows where this will go. So, my name is Igor Wilusic. I am sitting in my apartment here in Frankfurt, Germany. I lived in multiple countries.

I was born in ex Yugoslavia, had overcome a lot of adversity challenges, and through my personal and my business life and relationships, I was looking for ways in order to deal with the situations that were handed. And this has brought me into a whole world of inner exploration. And the world of inner exploration starts with our subconscious mind. And one of the topics of the podcast is how to find the courage to do the things that you actually want to do. Some of those things that you would like to do are known to you and you are clear about it.

What it is, some of the things that you want to do, you are unaware of it. They are hidden even from your own conscious mind. And as your conscious mind tries to protect you from any harm and danger, going after your dreams, like building your business, building your business on your own terms, building a business that suits your life and your preferences, is foreign. And when something is foreign to our psyche, it will do all that it can to keep you from going after your dreams. And one of the tools that I love to use is using hypnosis, hypnotherapy in uncovering those hidden messages that are inside of you that wants to get out.

And as I like to explain hypnotherapy as a way, when people ask me like, what is that? Can you give an example what that is? I always say, often people are afraid of hypnosis because they think that somebody else will have control over them or that somebody else will look into them. But let me tell you one thing. You have been already been hypnotized by society, by the neighborhood, by the people and the caretakers that have been part of your life's journey.

By the school system, by your siblings, by a family, by tv. So what this journey is about, it's about dehypnotizing you from all the layers that you thought that you needed to be in order to go after your dreams, from all the layers that kept you small, kept you hidden kept you hiding and overthinking the right way, the best way to do something that kept you researching every little detail before you would share it, because you want to present a version, a polished version that was never you. You have a dream, you have something that you want to do, and sometimes you don't even want to say it to yourself. You don't even want to say it out loud. You don't want to share it with other people because they might ask you about it and they might support you.

So that's why you keep quiet. Not anymore, not on my watch, not here, not on this podcast, and not in this community. And that's why courage is the main piece, ingredient that we will dive in, explore from all the angles, to cultivate it, to grow it, to awaken it from the inside out, so that you can be who you wanted to be, or who you are, but don't allow yourself to be. The first topic of the podcast is I want you to check in where your energy is leaking. And what do I mean by that?

I want you to pause, inquire yourself and have time to think. So let's dive in. Where is your energy leaking?

I want you to think about how you feel physically. Where is your energy leaking?

What are those things that you do that you might not enjoy doing? What are those things that are sucking the life energy out of you? Take a moment to think. Is it the job, is it the activities that you do? What is it?

How do you feel? Where is your life energy right now? You can sense it. Where your physical energy is, where is the level? And now let's progress and go into relationships.

So when you look to the one close relationship that you have with someone, with somebody else, might be a best friend, might be a spouse, might be a partner, where is your energy leaking in that relationship? Observe it, look into it. Look at what is it doing to you. What we are doing here is we are gathering information. I don't want you to judge yourself or somebody else.

You are gathering information about yourself so that you can decide. And where do you want to put your energy into? I want you to look into your private life. What is sucking your life energy out of you? What are those activities?

Or maybe there aren't any activities, but what is the thing that's sucking the life energy out of you? Look at it, notice it if you want to, you can write it down, or you can keep a mental note of it. And now the relationship that you have with yourself, how exhausting is it to be you? How exhausting is it to be someone that you're not? Someone that you're pretending you need to be?

How exhausting is it to put on that mask and be who other people wanted you to be? How heavy is that mask? You feel it in your body, in your voice, in your energy. Just gather all of those informations. Gather all of those informations right now and ask yourself, how is it?

How is it to be you? Do you enjoy it?

For most of us, that answer will be not that much because of all the pressure that we put on ourselves from all the things we thought we needed to be in order to be accepted, liked to be part of a group, a family, a work environment, the society, the world, the universe. But I want to let you know, there is that innate power inside each one of us. And that power has been hidden. You have been hiding yourself, your gifts, your purpose and your intention. You're hiding it from judgment.

You're hiding it from your own self. Stop hiding. It's safe for you to come out. It's safe for you to show who you are. It's safe for you to bring all of you into your business.

It's safe for you to be seen and to share the gifts, the wisdom and the innate power that you possess. Otherwise you wouldn't have had this dream that you have. You want to change something. It might be you want to change, you want to change your own existence. You want to change people, smaller groups, larger groups, to change the world.

So I'm calling you, encourage is calling you. Do you hear your name? Are you ready to answer? Are you ready to say, from this day forwards I will believe in me? From this day forwards I will trust in me.

I might not be there yet, I might not have achieved what I wanted to achieve, but I will do all that I can to start and take the first step. And the first step can be this podcast. The first step can be you really looking at and around your life and see where is your energy leaking? Where are you giving your energy to? To whom and why?

Ask yourself why? Why is that the case? Do you like yourself doing it? Do you like your reasons? If not, we've got work to do.

And I can't wait to help you to unpack this one by one. Things can change can happen overnight, but it can take also time. It can take time to digest and the change can only happen as you allow yourself to be able to happen. What does this mean? Even if you consciously want to do something, if your subconscious mind is on board, it won't happen our subconscious mind is a network of intelligence run like computers, although we are not.

But it's the most divine computer that there has ever been and ever will be. What we need to do, we need to tune into the frequency of that and listen, because certain things in your life have marked you. Certain things have taught you, certain reactions and ways and behaviors, and a lot of those things needs a reviewing. A lot of those things need an update of your system. I want you to really think about it, really tune in into yourself and think about what is calling your name, what is the thing that you want to do.

And spend time in it, imagining it, seeing it, feeling it, envisioning it. It's yours to materialize.